World Traveling Udon Maker's blog 世界を旅するうどん屋のブログ

【World traveling Japanese handmade udon chef visits your kitchen. 世界を旅する本格手打ち讃岐うどん屋が、あなたのキッチンへ】 Bookings available from all over the world 世界中どこからでも予約お待ちしてます


Accept whatever happens, or else you will be trapped by your anger 怒りの増幅に歯止めをかけるには、受け入れること(2)

#UdonChallenge 640/1200 #kigali #rwanda Unfortunately a word "genocide" could be the first to come up in your head when you think of the country Rwanda, but nowadays this country is known as one of the most modernized, safest, high tech co…

Accept whatever happens, or else you will be trapped by your anger 怒りの増幅に歯止めをかけるには、受け入れること(1)

#UdonChallenge 596/1200 #kigali #rwanda After visiting Uganda, here I am in Kigali, Rwanda! This place is definitely one of the places in East Africa where people can relax with no risk of robbery or heavy traffic or anything. ウガンダでの…

Whatever you do won't last long if you don't find a beauty in it 美しいと思えない活動は、続かない (2)

#UdonChallenge 568/1200 #uganda #kampala After some parties and workshops, YAMASEN staff and we all enjoyed soccer on the very last day in Uaganda! Thanks everyone! いくつかのパーティーやワークショップを終え、ウガンダ最後の日にYAMASENスタ…

Whatever you do won't last long if you don't find a beauty in it 美しいと思えない活動は、続かない (1)

#UdonChallenge 543/1200 #uganda #kampala I got a chance to do a udon stall at an outdoor event and workshops for Kamapala people thanks to huge support by Japanese restaurant in Kampala Uganda "YAMASEN" ! ウガンダのカンパラにある日本食店YA…

Rude to feel sorry for others「可愛そう」というお節介 (2)

#UdonChallenge 488/1200 #uganda #kampala After chillaxing in Lamu Kenya, finally left Kenya where I stayed more than a month and arrived to Uganda, known as the pearl of Africa. Party and workshop hosted by Uganda Japanese society and Japa…

Rude to feel sorry for others「可愛そう」というお節介 (1)

#UdonChallenge 448/1200 #kenya #nairobi #lamu After finishing up with Nairobi udon events, I visited this beautiful island Lamu in Kenya take some break! But just happened to do another workshop in a hotel in ナイロビ編がついに…

Never be cocky and look down on people 見下したら終わり(2)

#UdonChallenge 436/1200 #kenya #nairobi Several home workshops, for kitchen chefs..Never ending udon demand from Nairobi! 家庭やシェフの方々へのワークショップなど・・・終わりなきナイロビの人々のうどん欲!! Ugandan graduation dance pic.twi…

Never be cocky and look down on people 見下したら終わり(1)

#UdonChallenge 381/1200 #kenya #nairobi A lot more udon parties and workshops held in Nairobi! Performances and workshops held at a hotel, workshops for people from United Nations and digital nomads family and etc... まだまだ続くナイロビで…

Value of money learnt from bargain 値切りから考えるお金の価値(2)

#UdonChallenge 328/1200 #kenya #nairobi Among 20 of parties/workshops done in Nairobi, there are three of them! They work for United Nations or doing their own business and so on.. I am very happy to get to know you all! ケニアのナイロビで…

Value of bargain 値切りから考えるお金の価値(1)

Udon Challenge 290/1200 #kenya #nairobi Another workshop held in Nairobi! I was lucky enough to be able to stay in this beautiful house for few nights because of their favors. Atmosphere here is very different from downtown(check photos be…

Sense of contribution brings you happiness 幸福感の一つは貢献感(2)

Udon Challenge 283/1200 #kenya #nairobi The first of numerous workshops that I will have in Nairobi...! Did you know that there are huge Indian communities in Africa? They are Indian descendants who are born and grew up in Kenya. Hope you …

Sense of contribution brings you happiness 幸福感の一つはは貢献感(1)

Udon Challenge 277/1200 #tanzania #arusha Very first workshop in Africa was held in Arusha Tanzania, located near one of the most famous safari national parks in Africa. It was my first time to do a workshop on a day I got the first messag…

Say hi first and you’ll see the different world 先手の挨拶は世界を変える(2)

Udon Challenge 275/1200 #georgia #tbilisi Cooked udon for Japanese world travelers! Some of them haven't been back to Japan for 5 years, so they looked very happy about my udon. They own a gueshouse in Tbilisi Georgia mainly targeting Japa…

Say hi first and you’ll see the different world 先手の挨拶は世界を変える(1)

Udon Challenge 272/1200 #georgia #tbilisi Udon workshop for Asian food lovers in Tbilisi Georgia! They even tried for soup making and soba making! アジア料理を愛する方々とのうどんワークショップ!出汁づくりやそば作りに挑戦したがるマニアっぷ…

Sincere action from bottom of your heart hit our heart 純度の高い想いは心を射抜く

Udon Challenge 264/1200 #georgia #tbilisi Introduced by the school in Baku, I was fortunate to be able to do school workshop in Tbilisi Georgia! バクーの学校からの紹介により、ジョージアの首都トビリシの学校でもうどんワークショップをさせて頂…

No waves no surf 波のないとこで待っても波乗りはできない

Udon Challenge 234/1200 #azerbaijan #baku Workshop for a family from Singapore! The host happens to be a professional chef serving dishes to Azerbaijani president in Baku. We talked about how we can collaborate in Malaysia! シンガポールか…

Great travelers know how to live their life great 旅上手は、生き上手

Udon Challenge 230/1200 #azerbaijan #baku School workshop for two classes! Both classes had 30 students so total of 60 students in one day was done with so much support from students as it was very hard to manage everything by myself. I ho…

Every work done with sincerity is superb 誠意のある仕事はどれも無条件に良い仕事 (2)

Udon Challenge 170/1200 #azerbaijan #baku Thanks to past workshop participants for spreading words, another workshop in Baku was organized for people from Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Singapore and so on! Thank you all! I heard Indonesia and Aze…

Every work done with sincerity is superb 誠意のある仕事はどれも無条件に良い仕事 (1)

Udon Challenge 163/1200 #azerbaijan #baku Party in Baku for people from Scotland, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan and so on! Thank you for preparaing various toppings for our party! スコットランド、カザフスタン、アゼルバイジャンの方々にうどんを食べ…

Talk discrimination I've seen in the world 世界で見たエグい差別を語る

Udon Challenge 148/1200 #azerbaijan #baku The very first udon workshop in Baku Azerbaijan! It has been long since last event... Just for those who do not know much about this country, it locates near Russia, Turkey and Iran... The host hel…

When indecisive, hear the wind sing 迷ったら、風の歌を聴け

Udon Challenge 143/1200 #India Again thanks to support by all of you , another udon workshop was done in India for chefs from this place where His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama often visits. The menu in this place strictly stick to organic …

Keeping yourself in best condition is powerful contribution to society 体調管理は最高の社会貢献

Udon challenge 137/1200#india #delhi The very first workshop in India was for 20 Japanese people living in Delhi! This person who had my udon in Australia spread her word about me on social media, and a host of today’s event contacted me w…

Money creates convenience, convenience reduces communication opportunities お金は生活を便利にし、便利さはコミュニケーションを削ぐ

Udon challenge 115/1200#nepal #kathmandu Workshop for female staff in Village Cafe at Kathmandu Nepal. Women in Nepali villages have traditional Nepali culinary cooking skills, but there weren’t many places to perform their talents. What V…

Do it the same way if you want to be friend 仲良くなるためには、相手と同じことをする

Udon challenge 105/1200 #nepal #nagarkot One of the Nepali family members in a village, who I stayed with the other night, turned out to be a teacher in a school, so I just did a surprise visit to a school next day to make udon. Even thoug…

Continuous smile creates beautiful cycle in the world 絶えず笑顔な人は、世界に好循環を生み出す起点となる

Udon challenge 75/1200 As a big fan of seeing a local life, it was my dream to make udon in a village. Facebook doesn’t help me in accessing people who aren’t members of Japanese culture group or foodies groups, as I search for groups like…

If bored of traveling, get lost 旅に飽きたら、迷子になろう

Udon challenge 68/1200 Among people who showed up for my party, some passionate Nepalis came to my workshop this time! One of my students seemed very happy about my workshop and he gave me a paragliding experience, one of the most popular …

(Udon challenge 64/1200) Amazingly chaotic country Nepal 最高にカオスなネパール

(With huge support by J’s Japanese cooking studio in Kathmandu Nepal, I could make my first udon party in Nepal successful! Including Nepali people, 20 people from all over the world participated. Thank you!) Here I am in Nepal where I was…

(Udon challenge 47/1200)There are people who can naturally give hands to others 当然のことのように他者に手を差し伸べられる人が世界中にいる

#tanimuraudonworkshop #bangkok #thailand The very last workshop in Bangkok. Such a pleasure to be invited to many places in such country with a plenty of Japanese restaurants and amazing foods…khob khun krab! One day in Bangkok, World trav…

(Udon challenge 39/1200) Life is more fun when needing help 助けを必要な時の方が人生は面白い 

#tanimuraudonparty #bangkok #thailand Perhaps, it was my first time conducting men’s only udon party! Originally the number of people was supposed to be 6, but the number of participants increased to 10 as the time goes… For few days, I wa…

Accept every favor from people 人からの好意にちゃんと甘えよう

Udon challenge: 27 out of 1200! 1200 udon eaters all around the world in 2019! #bangkok #thailand #tanimuraudonworkshop The way to continue journey happily? One of the important tips for me is to “accept every favor from people”. Fortunate…