World Traveling Udon Maker's blog 世界を旅するうどん屋のブログ

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Don’t get panic to something you cannot control 自分がコントロール出来ないことに、反応しない


After Guatemala, I visited Cuba! For those who have visited so many countries that you start feeling like you don't have much passion to see more countries (if there are any...), Cuba is definitely the destination you would like to consider! Classic American car in Havana, the capital city of Cuba.



So why do I recommend Cuba? Personally the best thing about Cuba is that people are so close to each other in their everyday lives, and even to us too. It's so true that many people in many countries I've visted were nice. But if I could call their hospitality "modern & sophisticated", I call Cuban people's hospitality "rustic & natural".  Both were amazing to me.



Very reasonable freshly cooked pizza!



I mentioned the word "rustic" above, but this is kind of the scene I encountered in many places in Cuba. People are out of their houses and talking to each other, and I don't see this nowdays in many modern capitalistic cities. It was really calming.



There are scenes like this everywhere in Cuba. People are so close to each other. I don't know all the reality about Cuban society, but encountering these scenes in this socialism country, it made me think whether or not this capitalistic and individualistic society that all of the developed countries follow nowdays is correct and natural as human beings.



I love this photo. It really captures the vibe of Cuba. When you are walking on a road, you hear music from every hosue, and people are dancing.


Got a chance to see a school in Cuba.



Bring your empty bottle and they can charge fresh juice in it.




With the legend, Che Guevara. He is hidden everywhere in Cuba! Am I causing an Udon revolution in this world...? I hope?



Huge line in font of a supermarket. I am guessing they are waiting to get a food supply from the government.



There are not many products like typical supermarkets do.



With the legend in Trinidad, Cuba.



Don’t get panic to something you cannot control 自分がコントロール出来ないことに、反応しない

There are two types of matters in this world. Matters you can control, or you cannot. In this modern world with full of information, it’s really important to focus on what you can control. Just do what you can do calmly.

Now I am in Bolivia desperately waiting for a charter plane to be organized by an embassy. But actually there is no reason to be desperate, because my desperateness won’t change the situation. I cannot organize a plane. When it will be organized, it will be. When it won’t, it won’t. Who knows. Only the god knows.

Then what I can do is to focus on what I can do to make a situation better. It might be to work out at home and boost my immunity. Or it might be to be nice to people around me. And then what you’ve done could cause a slight change to something you cannot control.

It’s easy to say this, but it’s obviously hard. Without concentrating on it, you lose your self and start finding yourself turning happy or sad to something you cannot control.


例えば今ボリビアで日本行きのチャーター便が飛ぶのをまだかまだかと待っている状態だが、これ実は、考えたところで仕方がない。なぜなら全くもって私の範疇外のことだから。私がどれだけ悩みに悩みぬいても、チャーター便は来る時には来るし、来ない時には来ない。Who knows. どうなるかは、神のみぞ知る。




