World Traveling Udon Maker's blog 世界を旅するうどん屋のブログ

【World traveling Japanese handmade udon chef visits your kitchen. 世界を旅する本格手打ち讃岐うどん屋が、あなたのキッチンへ】 Bookings available from all over the world 世界中どこからでも予約お待ちしてます


No waves no surf 波のないとこで待っても波乗りはできない

Udon Challenge 234/1200 #azerbaijan #baku Workshop for a family from Singapore! The host happens to be a professional chef serving dishes to Azerbaijani president in Baku. We talked about how we can collaborate in Malaysia! シンガポールか…

Great travelers know how to live their life great 旅上手は、生き上手

Udon Challenge 230/1200 #azerbaijan #baku School workshop for two classes! Both classes had 30 students so total of 60 students in one day was done with so much support from students as it was very hard to manage everything by myself. I ho…

Every work done with sincerity is superb 誠意のある仕事はどれも無条件に良い仕事 (2)

Udon Challenge 170/1200 #azerbaijan #baku Thanks to past workshop participants for spreading words, another workshop in Baku was organized for people from Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Singapore and so on! Thank you all! I heard Indonesia and Aze…

Every work done with sincerity is superb 誠意のある仕事はどれも無条件に良い仕事 (1)

Udon Challenge 163/1200 #azerbaijan #baku Party in Baku for people from Scotland, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan and so on! Thank you for preparaing various toppings for our party! スコットランド、カザフスタン、アゼルバイジャンの方々にうどんを食べ…

Talk discrimination I've seen in the world 世界で見たエグい差別を語る

Udon Challenge 148/1200 #azerbaijan #baku The very first udon workshop in Baku Azerbaijan! It has been long since last event... Just for those who do not know much about this country, it locates near Russia, Turkey and Iran... The host hel…