World Traveling Udon Maker's blog 世界を旅するうどん屋のブログ

【World traveling Japanese handmade udon chef visits your kitchen. 世界を旅する本格手打ち讃岐うどん屋が、あなたのキッチンへ】 Bookings available from all over the world 世界中どこからでも予約お待ちしてます

Hey Tanimura, there is nothing that never ends 終わらない仕事はないんだよ、タニムラ


After crossing the border of Mexico by a boat, I arrived to Guatemala in this Februrary. I didn't cook udon but got a chance to visit many places. The very first place I visited is Tikal.



San Pedro de Laguna is a place you definitely should visit, but you might not want to, because it's so comfortable that you start feeling like you want to stop traveling.



Well known among travelers as a bus that is likely to get robbed. It's called chicken bus.



I love to see these people especially in Mexico and Guatemala with nice hats like this.




Very good old scenery of Guatemala. Women washing their clothes in the lake.





Beautiful design of clothes.



Old city, Antigua.



Learned Spanish for a week with this young but very inteligent Guatemalan teacher.



As far as I know, there are not many places in the world where you get to see beautiful red eruption. Mt. Acatenango.



Hey Tanimura, there is nothing that never ends 終わらない仕事はないんだよ、タニムラ

It has been a month since this very rough quarantine in Bolivia has started. Here I am still in Bolivia waiting for a charter plane to go back to Japan. How rough is quarantine in Bolivia? We are allowed to go outside only once in a week, just in the morning!

After surviving in this situation for a month, I have become someone like a hermit. I have no complaints or expectation towards anything in this world. Just breathe slowly, and spend a day as usual. In fact, what we do is not so different from what we used to do when there was no corona pandemic. We just live every moment of our lives.

But to be honest, I was not like this in the beginning, and was more busy with handling my mentality and setting up this kind of mindset. Most of people in this world are likely to be spending this quarantine period at home with your family or by yourself. Every situation has its difficulty obviously, but staying in a random hostel with random people in a random country was not easy. Loud music in the night, kitchen was not always available, trying to communicate in Spanish and becoming friends with people around, and so on… These probably haven’t happened in most of people’s cases. On top of that, I was feeling lonely in this random place by myself. Something like “Zoom” is becoming a boom in the other side of the world, but there is not always high speed internet connection in my place lol

I was thinking of a situation the last time I was put in this kind of situation. In Japan and India, I tried a meditation course called Vipassana meditation, which not only I had to do just meditation for 10 days, but I was not allowed to talk or even make eye contact with anyone for 10 days. Obviously it was tough in the beginning. But after few days, I got used to it.

Everything was always hard “in the beginning” in my life. When I started living in the U.S, when I started working in a Japanese company, when I started cooking udon for people. Now when I think back, anything was tough in the beginning, but we all get used to them. I remember what my boss said when I was working like deadly everyday. “ Hey Tanimura, there is no project that never ends”. There is nothing in this world that never ends.


この環境を1ヶ月やっていると、誤解を恐れずに言えば、最近はもうなんだか何でもいいやという気分です。世間への不平も期待も特にありません(本当はあるけど) 。ゆっくりとした呼吸して、ただ日々を淡々と生活するだけ。コロナがない時も実はやってることは一緒。何かを超越した仙人のようです。


