World Traveling Udon Maker's blog 世界を旅するうどん屋のブログ

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Donation could potentially cause a negative social influence 寄付は時に社会悪


I visited Iran last year. Iran is on different level in many ways. I've been to nearly 70 countries and I will probably keep on traveling more, but I am sure that there won't be a country like Iran.



The most significant feature of Iran is definitely the hospitality of Iranian people. My friend's Iranian friend came to pick me up at the airport even though we haven't met before.



They took my hand and pulled me into thier house lol Everytime I ask a question about a location to Iranian people, they take my hand and take to the place. ALWAYS.



I was walking on the highway for some reasons lol, and he stopped by and took me to the place I was heading to. You don't have to raise your hand to do hitchhiking in Iran.




Again I was asking a question to local people, and she took me to her house for lunch. And her whole family took me to the destination I was heading to, and eventually they sung a song for me.






I met him on an airplane heading to Iran, and we exchanged our contacts. At the end of my travel in Iran, he invited me to his house for dinner even though we just me on an airplane! No words can describe the actual experience I had in Iran.



Donation could potentially cause a negative social influence 寄付は時に社会悪

It’s about how donation is not that simple.

When I was traveling in Africa, I heard an interesting impression from my friend who lives there. It was about her analysis that some people in poverty in Africa are thinking that all the tourists from other countries are the people who potentially could give them something for free.

And she added that because of this issue, those people don’t take actions to change their lives independently. This is my analysis, but this is happening because of consistent support and donation like ODA from developed countries. Obviously there could be other reasons that cause problems like this, but I think it’s one of them. It might not be the best example, but how could any children take actions independently if there was a consistent support from their parents?

What’s important here is that contributors have to know that their action of donation is not over till they see how it’s used in the end.

There is a way of thinking in developed countries that “donation” is nothing but good. But after staying in developing countries and see the situation from a perspective of “someone being donated”, I started to think that it’s very egoistic to “just donate and don’t care what will happen afterwards”. In fact, some government and officials in developed countries are collapsed that most of the donation are spent among them, or like I mentioned, donation is simply giving people in developed countries a negative effect (not always) in terms of how they are not being able to take actions independently to change something.

But at the same time, I think it’s too much to ask all the contributors to observe their donation till the end, so it’s not a simple issue.










Where did the idea of World Traveling Udon Maker come from? - World Traveling Udon Maker