World Traveling Udon Maker's blog 世界を旅するうどん屋のブログ

【World traveling Japanese handmade udon chef visits your kitchen. 世界を旅する本格手打ち讃岐うどん屋が、あなたのキッチンへ】 Bookings available from all over the world 世界中どこからでも予約お待ちしてます


Donation could potentially cause a negative social influence 寄付は時に社会悪

I visited Iran last year. Iran is on different level in many ways. I've been to nearly 70 countries and I will probably keep on traveling more, but I am sure that there won't be a country like Iran. 去年中東イランに行きました。世界70カ国近…

Don’t get panic to something you cannot control 自分がコントロール出来ないことに、反応しない

After Guatemala, I visited Cuba! For those who have visited so many countries that you start feeling like you don't have much passion to see more countries (if there are any...), Cuba is definitely the destination you would like to conside…

Hey Tanimura, there is nothing that never ends 終わらない仕事はないんだよ、タニムラ

After crossing the border of Mexico by a boat, I arrived to Guatemala in this Februrary. I didn't cook udon but got a chance to visit many places. The very first place I visited is Tikal. さて、今年2月頃にメキシコからボートで国境越えして着…

Have a habit to push yourself to the end 最後までやり切る癖をつけよう

#UdonChallenge 818/1200 #mexicocity #mexico There is a plenty of hidden remains in Mexico. It took me an hour by boat to come to this beautiful ruin, Yaxchilan. I am not a big fan of ruins, but with this one, I felt like I am the first to …

Your justice isn’t necessarily justice of others. Majority isn’t necessarily a complete justice. あなたの正義は、必ずしも誰かの正義ではなく、多数派が必ずしも正義でもない(3)

#UdonChallenge 778/1200 #mexicocity #mexico Finally arrived to Mexico! (Geographicaly Mexico is located in the North America, so never say it's part of Central America! lol) After visiting African countries, access to any types of ingriedi…

Your justice isn’t necessarily justice of others. Majority isn’t necessarily a complete justice. あなたの正義は、必ずしも誰かの正義ではなく、多数派が必ずしも正義でもない(2)

#UdonChallenge 748/1200 #cairo #egypt After visiting Palestine, I am in love with dates. The first time to ecounter naturally grown dates so I picked and ate them! パレスチナでデーツを食べてから、中東ではデーツを食べまくってますが、自然に…

Your justice isn’t necessarily justice of others. Majority isn’t necessarily a complete justice. あなたの正義は、必ずしも誰かの正義ではなく、多数派が必ずしも正義でもない(1)

#UdonChallenge 737/1200 #cairo #egypt Cairo seemed like a cosmopolitan city that has a plenty of ingriedients and perfect cooking environment compared to Ethiopia. But obviously there are lots of Muslims who follow Halal and vegans who can…

Longing to spend days like a character from Haruki Murakami’s book does 村上春樹の主人公みたいな日々を送りたい(2)

Probably one of the best udon party @Egypt.これまでのうどん会で一番盛り上がったのでは?というほど盛り上がってくれた会@エジプト— World Traveling Udon Maker 世界を旅するうどん屋 (@tanimuraudon) 2020年3月9日 Probab…

Longing to spend days like a character from Haruki Murakami’s book does 村上春樹の主人公みたいな日々を送りたい(1)

#UdonChallenge 698/1200 #addisababa #ethiopia Even though I mentioned chaotic part of Ethiopia below, there are actually lots of Japanese people and expats from other countries in the capital city, Addis Ababa. Expats living in Addis know …

Answer to “Who I Am” is only in the memory 自分は誰なのか?の答えは、「記憶」にしかない

THIS IS HOW WE DO!— World Traveling Udon Maker 世界を旅するうどん屋 (@tanimuraudon) 2020年3月8日 #UdonChallenge 655/1200 #addisababa #ethiopia Here comes Ethiopia! Ethiopia has many unique things to offer and is …