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Rude to feel sorry for others「可愛そう」というお節介 (2)






#UdonChallenge 488/1200 #uganda #kampala

 After chillaxing in Lamu Kenya, finally left Kenya where I stayed more than a month and arrived to Uganda, known as the pearl of Africa. Party and workshop hosted by Uganda Japanese society and Japanese restaurant "YAMASEN". 




One of the most famous market in Kampala, Many chinese supermarkets around here where I could find some udon groceries.



Very typical Ugandan meal. Sometimes feel a bit too heavy with lots of steamed potatoes, bananas. Worried about Uganda people getting diabetes from eating this everyday more than Udon prefecture people eating udon!



One of the most famous tourist spot in Kamapala. Full of buses in one spot...



Rude to feel sorry for others「可愛そう」というお節介 (2)

 Previous post/前章はこちら


This photographer from a developed country collects funds from all over the world with this photo that makes people feel “sorry”. On the other hand side, developing countries receive more funds from developed countries in return by offering this kind of photo. This seems like a Win-Win relationship, but developed countries are most likely to be the ones who initiate this relationsihp, and developing countries must not be thinking that this photo would be used in this way.

I feel like this is a trap created by market principles, and we all should recognize the fact that this world works out like this.

I just hope that nobody feels sorry for others. People are enjoying their lives in their own ways more than you think, so it really is none of your business. Being sorry for others seems like an emotion with full of love, but could be a violence sometimes.

I felt like lots of people from developed countries seem to have this kind of emotion towards African people in general.

For example in Ethiopia, many kids ask for money to tourists on streets. Some give them 100birr ( =$4), which could be more than what they get from working for a day with proper jobs. Usually the biggest note in any countries are huge value to local people. ( i.e. In ethiopia, 100birr, in Japan 10,000 yen($100), in Kenya 1000 shillings($10))

In this case for these kids, it is obviously more efficient to ask for money on streets rather than working hard. As a consequence, these kids start to judge tourists as “people who can offer them something”, whereas tourists start to see these kids as “people who are not so blessed that have to ask for money on streets”.

It is true that politics situation, education system, poverty, poor job opportunities create beggars in a country, but actually this kind of one small action by tourists (to feel sorry for others and give money), could also accelerate the increase of number of beggars, create sufferings in a country. (But I don’t think NOT giving money is always the best solution. This is why this issue is very difficult…)









Rude to feel sorry for others「可愛そう」というお節介 (1)





#UdonChallenge 448/1200 #kenya #nairobi #lamu 

After finishing up with Nairobi udon events, I visited this beautiful island Lamu in Kenya take some break! But just happened to do another workshop in a hotel in









First and second are photos of a slum in Kampala. Always with cheers and more communiation with people in a slum. Third photo is an Ugandan baby with me. Fourth is traditonal Northern Ugandan dish. Love this nuts based sauce? with goat meat. The video is traditonal Ugandan dance with so much butt shakes.



Rude to feel sorry for others「可愛そう」というお節介

I heard a very shocking story recently.

A photographer from a developed country who has visited a refugee camp in Africa was surprised to see people here didn't look like facing some hardships, but rather looked happy. As I felt the same seeing a slum in Kenya, actual lives of people in slum or refugee camps are hundered times lively and cheerful than images we all have towards lives of slums or refugee camps.

Seeing this reality, this photographer was not happy because he came all the way from his country asked to shoot photos of hardships of refugee camp lives. So he stepped on kids' foot, made a kid cry, and then took a photo of this kid with his crying face. He probably would have thought this kind of photo would be more convincing to show the hardship of refugee camp life.

When I heard this story, I totally felt disgusted. This story actually symbolizes the relationship between a developed country versus developing country nowadays.

(Continues to next chapter)





