World Traveling Udon Maker's blog 世界を旅するうどん屋のブログ

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Continuous smile creates beautiful cycle in the world 絶えず笑顔な人は、世界に好循環を生み出す起点となる








Udon challenge 75/1200

As a big fan of seeing a local life, it was my dream to make udon in a village. Facebook doesn’t help me in accessing people who aren’t members of Japanese culture group or foodies groups, as I search for groups like these to advertise what I do.


Therefore I decided to re-visit Nepali family living in a village in mountainous area, who became friends when I was trekking, and made udon for them as a free gift. Hitchhiked to get to a village with very limited udon making goods in my bag this time, so no noodle cutter, only rolling pin and some ingredients! The family looked happy with what I have done, but some felt challenging to stomp udon dough and trying soy sauce based taste. Next day, we promised our forever friendship in a Hindu way. We put red powder “Thika” on each other’s forehead, exchanged beer bottles and drunk and ate together, which have become one of the most memorable experience in Nepal for me. Thank you for letting me share what I wanted to.








A story about a Nepali lady from the last article still continues. When I said “Namaste(hello)” to her, she responded with big smile on her face. Seeing this beautiful smile, I decided to eat here. Afterwards, she kept smile on her face all the time. When I looked confused about what she was saying in Nepali. When I was eating Dal Baht, Nepali daily food, like a dog. When I was playing with her kids. Literally, all the time. I felt embarrassed for being smiled to this much. There was no way but to smile back as I don’t speak Nepali fluently. To be more precise, seeing her smile, I noticed myself unconsciously smiling.


On another day, I was enjoying natural hot spring right by a river in Himalaya range. I noticed that one Nepali man was looking at me with (again) big smile. Afterwards other guys told me that he was hearing-impaired. So we kept on smiling to each other every time we had an eye contact, which seems like a mysterious time. But noticing he couldn’t here and talk, I thought there is nothing he could do, but to smile. He probably smiles to people, instead of saying namaste. Eventually we left this hot spring only smiling to each other, without a single verbal conversation.


People with smiles probably see the world differently. Because they keep smiling, what they see on people’s faces is always smiles. If they only see smiles on others’ faces, no wonder they smile. This might sound like an exaggeration, but theirs smiles create beautiful cycle, and would spread to village, city, country, to the world, I really wish I could be like them.





