World Traveling Udon Maker's blog 世界を旅するうどん屋のブログ

【World traveling Japanese handmade udon chef visits your kitchen. 世界を旅する本格手打ち讃岐うどん屋が、あなたのキッチンへ】 Bookings available from all over the world 世界中どこからでも予約お待ちしてます


2017/11/28 World is beautiful! /Penang Malaysia Series 1 世界は美しい! /ペナン島・マレーシア その1

Penang, the island one hour flight from the capital KL Malaysia, was great place to visit! (I didn’t make udon this time…) One of my Malaysian friends from university years took me to a tour around the city, and a Malaysian man, one of fam…