World Traveling Udon Maker's blog 世界を旅するうどん屋のブログ

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Value of bargain 値切りから考えるお金の価値(1)

Udon Challenge 290/1200 #kenya #nairobi

Another workshop held in Nairobi! I was lucky enough to be able to stay in this beautiful house for few nights because of their favors. Atmosphere here is very different from downtown(check photos below) even in the same city!




Photos of downtown of Nairobi Kenya, known as one of most dangerous districts in Africa. But I felt it is a bit exaggerated after staying in the area for about a week. There are some unsafe looking spots, but other areas in downtown are rather interesting with local Kenyan vibes!



Value of money learnt from bargain(1)

For travelers, bargain is a part of daily lives. What does it mean to bargain for you?

When I was in India, I introduced the hostel I was staying to my Japanese friend because it was cheap and nice. The price told to him was already cheap as I introduced him, but he kept on doing bargain. I understand that Japanese people are likely to be asked for twice or three times the actual price and he sure wants to prevent it. But I felt it’s rude to bargain for $5 room. The hostel owner sure wasn’t asking for twice the actual price, and he needs to make a living out of it as well.

When I was in Tanzania, I requested an order-made shirt. Again, there is another bargain and negotiation here. But if I ask for discount in this kind of case, the sewers would lose their motivations and I guessed that the outcome of my shirt might not be as nice as it should be. Price has more meanings than just numbers, and it symbolizes the amount of energy they put into. Values of things or services become more clear when comparing machine made mass produced stuff versus handmade only-one product.

One of some frequently asked questions when traveling is “how much do YOU want to pay?” when asking “how much is it?”. It seems like some people hate this question, but I feel it’s very important question, which really makes me think “so how much would I like to pay for this? How much does it worth?” , actually grabbing a product with your hands. For example, how much would you pay for a piece of artwork done by unknown artist that is very similar to Piccasso’s artwork? We all should not get used to fixed price.




