World Traveling Udon Maker's blog 世界を旅するうどん屋のブログ

【World traveling Japanese handmade udon chef visits your kitchen. 世界を旅する本格手打ち讃岐うどん屋が、あなたのキッチンへ】 Bookings available from all over the world 世界中どこからでも予約お待ちしてます

(Udon challenge 39/1200) Life is more fun when needing help 助けを必要な時の方が人生は面白い 






#tanimuraudonparty #bangkok #thailand

Perhaps, it was my first time conducting men’s only udon party!
Originally the number of people was supposed to be 6, but the number of participants increased to 10 as the time goes…

For few days, I was traveling around the rural area of Myanmar. As usual, there is no accommodation that I can stay. Maybe it is simple to find accommodation using or Airbnb, but I do not like to secure my bed because I would like to leave some space for unexpected drama.. After spending time and having conversation with locals, I unexpectedly happend to stay at three places for some nights at Myanmar temple, with Burmese family, and Thai family. How wonderful to be part of local life!  I think nobody would reach out to you for help if I was fully satisfied with everything. This beautiful drama happened because I needed a help at that time.

So folks, leave space in your life, ask people around you for help when you need, not on social medias.


