World Traveling Udon Maker's blog 世界を旅するうどん屋のブログ

【World traveling Japanese handmade udon chef visits your kitchen. 世界を旅する本格手打ち讃岐うどん屋が、あなたのキッチンへ】 Bookings available from all over the world 世界中どこからでも予約お待ちしてます

2018/7/25 #tanimuraudonparty #dijon #france






This time I made udon in Dijon Burgogne, well known as the place of mastard, located few hours away from Paris by train. The guests in this party were all interested in Japanese and other asian cuisines and they all seemed to be happy with my party. It was impressive for me at the end when they sang a song from Burgogne, generally sang to show appreciation. As always thank you so much to all involved for lots of support and love.